Plans for the rest of the semester:

Each week on Mondays from 6:00-7:20pm, we’ll have a class discussion over Zoom. You are expected to have read any material and looked at the discussion topics before class. You might consider taking notes as preparation for discussions and during discussions. These notes will create part of the Notebook/Materials Compilation which is 10% of your grade.

You’ll also have assignments due by 6:00pm each Monday. These will be turned in via Moodle and discussed if there’s time during our class meetings. These assignments will also create part of your Notebook/Materials Compilation.

Below is a slightly updated version of the grading policy. Notice I removed the 10% Leadership Development since you can’t practice teaching each other, and added that 10% to the Daily Assignments.

20% Progress on Strings Instruments (taken from first half of the semester)

20% Class Participation (discussions on Zoom)

20% Daily Assignments

10% Notebook/Materials Compilation (can be hard copy, or electronic file)

10% Method Book Evaluation and Comparison

20% Final Project

The Final Project should be partially comprised of assignments and discussions already covered. You may want to revise them as you create your final project. For the Final Project you’ll program an End of Year concert for your 5th-8th grade orchestras, create classroom procedures, expectations, and rules.

For those who read the Syllabus closely, you were supposed to observe two Baker orchestra rehearsals. We were going to talk about that after Spring Break. Obviously, that will no longer be taking place.